About Us, And How To Contact Us

We are a small group of people who are interested in all kinds of history. We have a very varied membership of all age ranges from 16 up to 90. We all have our own conclusions about how the stories of the world actually developed.
Some of us believe that the world was created by a God or gods. Others believe that the world is billions of years old and that it was created by a Big Bang. Some of us believe in reincarnation and some of us don't. We all have our own theories and we all enjoy discussing them.
Some of us believe that the local history is more important than the ancient history. We think that the ancient history is full of myths and legends which have been passed down through the generations. We believe that the local history is more accurate because it is based on actual events which have been witnessed by people who are still alive.
Others of us are interested in the ancient history. We think that it is more fascinating than the local history. We believe that the ancient history is full of mysteries which have never been solved. We think that it is more exciting because it is full of adventure and suspense.
Whatever our opinions, we all enjoy listening to the stories of the world. We are always keen to learn more about the past. We think that history is important because it helps us to understand the present.
Some of us believe that the world is much older than the historians say. We believe that there are ancient civilizations that existed long before the Egyptians and the Sumerians. We believe that there is evidence of these civilizations all around us, if only we knew where to look.
Others of us believe that the stories of history are false. We believe that the events that are supposed to have happened, never actually happened. We believe that the whole of history is a lie, perpetuated by those in power in order to control the masses.
Regardless of what we believe, we all enjoy discussing history and sharing our ideas with each other. We have lively debates and sometimes we even agree to disagree. But one thing is for sure, we all love history and we all have a passion for learning about the past.
But that is what we love about our group, the heated debates and the chance to learn from each other. We are always looking for new members who are passionate about history and willing to engage in lively discussion.
We meet once a month in a local hall. We have a speaker at each meeting who gives a talk on a historical subject. We then have a discussion and debate about what we have heard. We always learn something new at each meeting.
We are a friendly group and we welcome new members. If you are interested in history, then why not get in touch? You can